Thursday, September 17, 2009
Bagaimana Saya Dapat membuat Uang Secara Online Tanpa Pengalaman Atau Modal?
Ya, kebanyakan orang gagal untuk membuat bahkan satu sen online, apalagi cukup untuk memungkinkan mereka untuk keluar dari pekerjaan sehari-hari mereka. Mereka gagal karena mereka tidak tahu apa langkah yang harus diambil untuk membuat kampanye mereka sukses.
Walaupun anda tidak perlu uang untuk menghasilkan uang, Anda perlu uang untuk mendapatkan tangan Anda pada pendidikan Internet Marketing yang tepat ... tapi ini juga tempat di mana banyak orang membuat kesalahan fatal yang akhirnya menyebabkan mereka berhenti sebelum mereka telah membuat uang sama sekali.
Marketer baru akan sering melompat pada setiap program baru atau kesempatan yang datang dengan harapan bahwa jawabannya akan disembunyikan di sana, siap untuk mereka untuk mengungkap. Masalahnya, sementara ada banyak kursus besar di luar sana yang mengajarkan anda untuk menghasilkan uang, mereka sulit ditemukan karena banyak orang lain adalah buang-buang waktu dan uang.
Dan paling kursus mahal karena mereka harus membayar komisi orang lain untuk menjual mereka, ke atas dari 75% dari total harga pembelian! Ini bagus jika Anda adalah menjual produk afiliasi tapi pemilik produk harus benar-benar jack harga hingga menghasilkan uang.
Oke, Anda perlu untuk mendapatkan rencana yang baik dan menaatinya. Anda kemungkinan besar akan mulai menjual produk informasi orang lain dengan menulis artikel, membuat video, membuat halaman web gratis dan seterusnya. Tidak ada biaya ini satu kubah yang harus dilakukan, hanya waktu Anda.
Dan tidak ada ilmu roket itu baik. Anda hanya perlu belajar apa yang harus dilakukan dan kemudian melakukannya, yang sebagian besar orang menolak untuk melakukannya dan akhirnya berhenti. Mungkin kalau hal itu benar-benar membutuhkan biaya untuk masuk ke orang-orang pemasaran internet akan sedikit lebih serius, tapi kemudian kesempatan untuk membuat uang online dengan uang atau pengalaman tidak hanya akan menjadi mimpi dan itu akan benar-benar mengisap bagi banyak orang yang mulai dengan apa-apa dan sekarang membuat pembunuh uang online ... Anda bisa selanjutnya
Aku tahu bagaimana kau akan rasakan saat ini ... ada orang pergi online mencari cara untuk membuat uang jika mereka sudah punya cukup. Aku persis di mana Anda saat ini, tidak begitu lama. Aku tahu betapa membingungkan dan membuat frustrasi menemukan seseorang yang bisa Anda percaya untuk mengajarkan Anda cara membuat uang online aku orang itu meskipun, dan tidak akan dikenakan biaya sepeser pun untuk memeriksa situs saya ... walaupun mungkin kemungkinan yang paling penting Anda lakukan sepanjang hari.
Do You Have the Winning Mindset to Earn Money Online Successfully
Many have asked me what the key to earning money online successfully is. This is not an easy question to answer in terms of what you can do to earn money online. There are a thousand and one ways to earn money online successfully but are they really the keys to success? Unfortunately, the methods to earn money online are less significant than the mindset behind it.
What really differentiates the winning online marketers from the losing is very much not what they do but what drives them in their actions. Anyone can try and experiment with a myriad of ways to earn money online but ultimately without a winning mindset, they will never succeed.
Then what are the qualities of a winning mindset to earn money online successfully? Well, the following are considered the key pillars of a winning mindset.
1. Desire.
The fuel to succeed online is pretty much fired by what you want to gain in the end. What do you want to achieve in the end? Is it financial freedom? Or do you to want to have more time to spend with your family? Maybe you don’t want to be very rich; you just want to earn a little extra income to lift the financial burden of the family. Or maybe you hate your job and you hate your boss and you hope to one day “fire” him and be your own boss. Whatever the reason may be, you must have a strong desire to earn money online successfully, because this is what determines your motivation and is the main source of your strength. So know what you want to achieve in the end and let this be the fuel of your success.
2. Focus
There are truckloads of ways to earn money online. You can be an affiliate marketer and sell other people’s products. You can join an online MLM business opportunity and build your income from there. You can even offer your own services or products to others for a price. But whichever method you choose, it all comes down to focusing your efforts.
From the moment you step into the world of earning money online, you expose yourself to a myriad of business opportunities. They come fast and hard and they never seem to stop. Every day, there can be a new business opportunity to earn money online that seems like the “next big thing”. And you will be tempted to “jump in before it is too late”. But the sad truth is, business opportunities will never run out, but the amount of time we have will. Each of us only has 24 hours a day and we can only do so much. What you need to earn money online successfully is not to jump in on the “next big thing” but to focus on “this big thing”. You do not need so many “big things”, you only need one. So focus your efforts on what you set your sight on and give it your best. You will not regret it.
3. Patience
Many people who first begin to try to earn money online believe that they can do it fast and easy. They think that if they try something that promises them that they will earn money online successfully, they can do it in a few days to a few weeks. And if they do not succeed, the method is wrong and they give up. Sadly, this is not how it works. It is true that there are plenty of scams out there that only want to cheat you of your hard-earned cash. However, most of the time, the reason for failure is simply the lack of patience. Gathering knowledge and applying it is a necessity to earn money online. All these take time and nothing comes without it. Be patient with what you believe in and your efforts will be rewarded.
4. Willingness to take massive action and commit consistently
Finally, armed with a flaming desire to succeed, laser targeted focus on your objective and a rock-solid patience to carry it to the end, you still need the last crucial ingredient to success. You need to take HUGE MASSIVE action and be willing to commit consistently. Your mindset alone cannot win the battle for you. You must be willing to put in your biggest effort to make it a success and commit to doing it consistently, because only with MASSIVE action can you achieve MASSIVE results.
Now, take some time to review what you have done up till now. Do you have a burning desire to succeed? Have you been focusing your efforts and resisting the temptation to join whatever new opportunity that comes along? Have you been patient enough to continue what you are doing and promise yourself never to give up? And finally, are you taking MASSIVE action to turn your dream into a reality? If your answer is a resounding “YES”, then there is no doubt that you will be able to earn money online successfully.
Learn How To Make Money Online
Do you really need to learn how to make money online? I've read about Get-Rich-Quick schemes, so why in the world should I slow down my money making effort? The word 'learning' itself indicates hard work, time spent away from your usual day activities, lesser sleep and usually, there is no fun factor to it. Learn how to make money online? Nah!
Did I realize that I had to learn how to make money online? No I did not. At least not when I first started. I chose to make money online quickly. Guess what I did? I bought a Get-Rich-Quick program! Did it feel good knowing that you are on your way to earning big bucks fast? Definitely! Did it work? Unfortunately not! I did not even come close to the vicinity of success. What did you learn from all this? I need to learn how to make money online! Period.
I consider myself lucky that I only bought one get-rich-quick program. Why? Because there are others who fall for one after another. Along the way I did purchase an affiliate program, which to my horror simply ditches you the moment your payment came through. I could not even get the package to work and I could not reach them at all! I cannot begin to tell you how angry and frustrated I was. I paid $97 for nothing! It may not seem like a lot of money to you, but to me it was an expensive mistake. Never came across my mind that I could actually fall victim to a make money online scam. Always thought of myself as a careful person but I guess with scammers getting more intelligent these days, no one is spared. If it's any comfort at all, to myself at least, I am glad that these mistakes I made happened within a short period of time. It's better to make a mistake early, realize it early, learn from it and move on before investing too much time and money. Looking at it positively, I ended up learning how to make money online!
On the Internet, there are many tips to learn to make money online, learn how to make money online guides, secret to making money online and the list goes on. No harm reading. You could even pick up some very useful information. There are plenty of ways to learn how to make money online. The difficult part is choosing which suits you best, especially when you are new to Internet Marketing. You can find many techniques to learn how to make money online but what is more important here is to understand the whole process. I am a living example of someone who plunges into Internet Marketing without understanding the process. I thought I have read enough to understand how to make money online. It was only later did I realize that I did not understand enough.
So how crucial is it to learn how to make money online? I say, and I believe many other Internet Marketers will agree, that it is very crucial indeed. Remember this. When you purchase an ebook to learn how to make money online, you are learning about how this particular 'guru' made her/his money, her/his way. While it worked well for her/him, it may not work for you. You'll complain about it for a while and as these products usually come with money-back guarantee, you end up asking for refund. And then what? Next? Bought a few more, spent a few hundred dollars or even thousands, digesting each and every one of these ebooks and then try to deduce what works, what does not, how to start and where to start. You have invested lots of time and money, are you certain that you have made the best deductions on how to make money online? You can confidently answer 'yes' if you have made the money online again and again. After all, you are looking for a long-term income and not just some quick unsustainable income. Right?
For those who are just starting out, there are many credible ebooks available to learn how to make money online. Implementing the techniques taught is what I find most newbies are handicapped with. It does not get any easier when you are doing it alone. Some people are naturals. I fall into the category of the majority; people who need help and guidance. I took my first 'real' step to learn how to make money online by enrolling in an online 'university'. Finally, I patted myself on the back for taking that first 'real' step. I have chosen to educate myself to learn how to make money online. I am not a millionaire... yet (hey! I'm allowed to dream you know) but I am no longer far from the vicinity of success. I am success!
Like many others, I am still learning the ropes to making money online. There is no such thing as you know it all. What works today may not work tomorrow. I keep myself abreast with the development of Internet Marketing. How do I do that? Learn How To Make Money Online Today - this is where I did it. Go discover. See you at the top!
Nine Vital Facts For Making Extra Money Online
Making extra money online is not easy, but it's not exactly hard either. If you can put 100% into it, then you are definitely going to make money.
1. It's Not Like The Old Days
Six years ago, making money online was far easier than it is today.
The main reason for that, is because it is extremely difficult getting traffic (visitors) to your website. There is far more competition now.
What you must remember though, is not to be intimidated by the whole "online thing". Making money online is no different than making it anywhere else. Knowledge and action will work online, the same as they will in the "real" world.
2. Invest For Success
Here's the first thing you should be aware of...
It takes money to make money online.
Remember, this won't be a pot of gold if you don't run your business LIKE a business. In other words, you're going to have to make some financial investments to get a return. It won't be much, and certainly nothing like you would have to shell out in a bricks and mortar business.
3. Keep The Faith
You must remember, that thousands of people start making money online every day. It is not the impossible dream.
The best thing about an online business, is that for the most part, once you set something up, you don't need to set it up again.
4. Get Learning
Believe it or not, the thing that stops most people from making money online, is that they simply don't know how it works, or where to start.
There is a wealth of information available to help you get started.
It is pretty easy to make money online, if you have the right information from the off. Get a mentor who's been there and done that.
Follow what they've done, and achieve the same results.
Most of the other, advanced, information out there is designed for people who are already making money online.
Don't run before you can walk. Start off with baby steps, and you'll be fine.
5. How Much Can I Make?
Can you replace your full time income online?
Can you get rich online? The answer to both is a resounding...YES!! You are not going to get rich overnight. However, an initial target of $500 a day, within your first year is reasonable and achievable.
6. Technical Knowledge
You do not have to be technically savvy or some type of genius any longer. Computers these days, are simple enough for even the most inexperienced beginner to operate.
Also, once you understand the basics of how making money online works, you can easily repeat the process to make as much money as you wish. It definitely gets easier the longer you do it.
7. The Golden Rule
Now here's a biggie...if you want to make money online, you need to dedicate your business to helping others.
Whether you're recommending affiliate programs, products, or money making solutions, make sure that anything you offer will benefit your customer.
8. Look For New Ideas
You should always be switched on and creative.
Look for money making ideas that will fit your hobbies and lifestyle. There are millions of different ways to make money on line.
The best ones are the ideas that come to you in a flash of inspiration, and are unique to yourself.
9. Go To It
Making money online can be fun, believe it or not, and it's easy once you get a grasp of the basics.
It does require a little initial effort, but once you get your first sale, there will be no stopping you.
Scott Chambers is a full-time, successful online marketer. He is passionate about working from home. He regularly reviews new products as they come out and posts them on his website for you to watch.
You can visit his website by clicking on the link below:
Having been involved in the home business field for a number of years now, he is well qualified to tell you what works...and what doesn't!!
So, it made perfect sense to create a product of his own.
Here he is with a short introduction. After watching this, make sure you head to the information page where you can see a detailed look at the program.
Three Popular Ways To Earn Money Online
Today there are many opportunities to earn money online. So many in fact that the beginner is often overwhelmed with information and can find it hard to focus on what really works. To earn money online you need to find an internet business idea that interests you and stick with it until you have the concept mastered and are actually earning money online from your efforts. To help you get started I have taken the liberty of discussing the most popular ways to earn money online so you can get an idea of what path you would like to pursue.
1. Earn Money Online Taking Surveys
There are many online merchant companies that are willing to pay people for there consumer input. To earn money online taking surveys you will need to first sign up with a paid survey site like or There is usually a membership fee generally between $20 and $50 dollars. Many of these survey sites say that you will earn money online with in your first hour. This may be true for some but most don't see results for at least a few days. The reason being is that before you can take surveys that pay, you will need to register your profile with the companies that are listed on the survey site. Many times these companies are looking for specific candidates to take their surveys. The best way to assure that you will earn money online taking surveys is to register your profile with as many companies as you can. This will increase your chances of being chosen to fill out surveys and earn money online.
2. Build a Website
You can earn money online from building a website focused on a hobby or passion of yours. It is easier to choose a theme that you are interested as this will make creating content for the site fun. If you are not technically proficient there are a few software programs that will build the site for you. All you must do is make sure you provide the content that will draw an audience. Many of these programs can be costly however, ranging from $200 to $1000 dollars.
With a website you can earn money online in several ways. You can sell a product that you created, refer people to related products that you earn a commission of off, or use google adsense. To earn money online with a website is the most involved of all internet businesses but having one opens up countless possibilities to earn money online.
3. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing has taken the internet by storm as the most prominent way to earn money online. As an affiliate marketer you do not need a website or any previous experience to begin earning money online. Affiliate marketing involves selling other people's products by sending traffic to their website through your unique affiliate link. Many online companies have an affiliate program that is free to sign up for and most affiliate programs offer excellent support when it comes to providing marketing material. Any time you make a sale you will get paid a commission. Some affiliate programs pay as high as 50 to 75% per sale.
The simplicity of affiliate marketing allows you to earn money online at the least cost and the most comfort. Your responsibility is simply to find prospects for the merchant; you do not have to worry about order processing, product shipping or inventory. You can easily see why this is the most compelling way to earn money online, especially for beginners.
To learn more about earning money online with the methods discussed above check out the Ultimate Wealth Package. The Ultimate Wealth Package is loaded with in depth information on how to earn money online using these ideas and much more.
Easy To Make Money Online - The Myth About How To Make Easy Money Online
When people new to the internet think others are making easy money online, they naturally want to make the same kind of easy money too.
When people who have lost lots of money chasing the easy money dream online, still continue to lose money still chasing the easy online money dream, then somebody needs to grab them by the shoulders and shout at the top of their voice... "STOP!"
That's what I'm hoping to do with this article.
So if you fit into any of the above 2 categories...
The simple fact is, there is NO easy way to make money online.
Some methods are easier than others, but none is easy.
They all require vital ingredients, namely work, work, and more work.
Throw in persistence, perseverance, and elements of inspiration, and you are getting closer to the real chance of making money online.
Shame is...
People just don't want to hear that, do they?
So what do they do?
Look for the next person promising them the "easy to make money online" dream.
Now don't get me wrong, once you have put in the hard work, and put it in consistently over a period of time, it becomes increasingly easier to make money online.
But hard work is what it takes.
And lot's of it.
Now I can make this generalization, risk-free.
Because it doesn't matter what kind of product or service you are offering online, you won't make a LIVING online easily, until you put in the hours of hard work over weeks, months, and sometimes years to get you to a comfortable and consistent level of earning.
However try telling people that.
At a deep-root level, I guess most of us know this to be a fact.
Why do we still continue to believe then that there is an easy fix?
Here's the news...
There isn't.
Really... There isn't.
Sorry to disappoint but wouldn't you rather, for once in your lifetime have someone tell you the truth, rather than sell you the next easy to make money online dream?
Now I sell resale rights products.
And I can make thousands of dollars from a single email sent out to my subscribers.
Most people will say, "Yeah, that's the kind of easy money I want to make!"
And here is the reality...
It's taken me hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks, months upon months and years of work, day and night to get to a stage where I can start to enjoy some kind of reward for my efforts.
Guess what...
The effort doesn't stop.
Just as much time goes in now, sometimes even more than when I first started out.
Except now it's a lot more fun and a lot more rewarding.
I am creating a website dedicated to teaching people how to make money online with resale rights.
And hard work, persistence and motivation is required every step of the way for those that will benefit from the advice on the website.
I might add, that the website is free, as is all of the information I will be putting on it.
But the fact remains, that you can teach a man to fish, but he still has to go out and do the fishing.
You can't stand there and fish for him.
And to catch the fish is going to take time, effort, and the next day he will have to repeat it all over again if he wants to keep feeding himself and his family.
If you are looking for ways to make easy money online, and aren't prepared to put the consistent hard work and effort in to create a profitable online business then take my advice.
Stop before you even start.
You'll save yourself a lot of money if you do.
On the other hand, if you are prepared to put in the hours, put in the work and stick to ONE THING without getting side-tracked and distracted by the next easy money making scheme that crosses your path, then you, almost by necessity will start to see the rewards for your efforts.
How you decide to make the money online is irrelevant.
If something is making money for lots of other people online, it will for you too
but only with dedication, hard work and effort.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Make Money Online With My Free Joomla.. Affiliate Program
* Is Joomla! the right CMS/website builder for me?
* What exactly can Joomla! do for me?
* How can I make money with Joomla!?
A lot of you may not know where to start with this whole Joomla! thing. It's pretty overwhelming. We are here to help.
Time is Ticking...
The clock is ticking. Don't wait until it's too late. Millions of people are already making money with Joomla! and learning how powerful it is.
Whether you are a programmer or not, you can make money with Joomla! Even if you have never built a website, Joomla! makes it easy to create and design a profitable website with no programming knowledge!
Follow our advice here on how to make your site profitable, and you have a winning strategy for success.
Find Your Niche and Fill It
One of the best things you can do to start making money with Joomla! is get a website and start promoting something. If you don't know what you want your site to be about, try to find something that people need or want and find a "niche" or a need.
Then simply fill that "niche" or need with something that people can use. Make sure you actually try to help people and are genuine, and you will be successful.
Brand New to Joomla...You Can Still Make Money!
If you are new to Joomla! then we can help you learn what you need to know about designing a website with Joomla!.
* !TIP! Read About Joomla! and check out for documentation and help forums.
You don't necessarily have to know anything about Joomla! to make money with Joomla!. Our free Joomla! affiliate program gives you all the tools you need to start making money and learning about Joomla! at the same time.
If your goal is to learn how to use Joomla! then we can help you with that too. We will guide you through everything you need to know about building your site and making it profitable.
If you are already experienced with Joomla!, we can help you too. You can advertise your favorite Joomla! links, downloads, and products. You can write short articles about your experience with Joomla! and review Joomla! stuff. You can monetize your profile by advertising your stuff and use it as a way to funnel traffic to your website.
If you need help with ideas on making money with Joomla!, you should consider our free joomla! affiliate program. You can join it free just by signing up here.
Ideas for Making Money with Joomla!
Many people realize how easy it would be to combine their graphic design or programming experience with the Joomla! project and turn it into a very profitable endeavor.
* HOSTING -You can create a web hosting company and provide web hosting services using the right Joomla! template and any web hosting reseller program.
* DESIGN -You can offer web design services and present a portfolio of your work with the right Joomla! extension.
* OTHER -Joomla! makes it easy to build any website like media galleries, social sites, and ecommerce, or directories, to name a few. Simply find a product or service to sell, and Joomla! makes it easy!
Make Money With Our Free Joomla! Affiliate Program
If you aren't quite sure how to start making money with your website, we can show you how. We have designed one of the most rewarding affiliate programs on the world wide web, and it has everything to do with Joomla! and this website. Anyone can register right here on and begin making money by promoting your profile.
Simply by adding content, and blogging about it, and posting the link to your profile on other sites, you can drive traffic to your profile here. Then you monetize your profile with money-making pay per click ads by Google Adsense, and affiliate banners, feeds, and links, etc.
When visitors find your stuff they are lead to your profile and you make money!
How Much Traffic Does Joomla! Attract?
Millions of people every month are searching for something Joomla! related. People worldwide are waking up to the power and reliability of certain open source software, specifically Joomla!
Don't miss the tidal wave that is coming to the internet community. Joomla! has effectively bridged the gap between programmers and designers. Professional web developers are learning how much time and money Joomla! can save them.
As you can see in this screenshot below, over 7 Million people search for something Joomla! related every month (on average).
And it is growing every day!
No other CMS out there can compare to Joomla! and the power and reliability of it. Sadly, most people will miss out on this boat and other's will never know enough about the internet to know what the heck Joomla! is. As for the rest of us, it represents a way to help others and dynamically change our lives. Plus make a little money on top of it (hopefully).
How Can Joomla! Help You?
People are starting to realize every day that they don't want to pay for an expensive website that is hard to update. Everyone is searching for CMS, sitebuilders, and other ways to build dynamic websites that are easy to update.
Joomla! is quickly becoming standard on most hosting companies and no one wants a static website anymore. Joomla! truly is the future of web design.
I am here to help you take advantage of everything Joomla! has to offer. As you can see, the market for Joomla! is huge and not going away. That's why I have built this site and centered it around you, the user. I want to give you the tools you need to make money with Joomla! and make money promoting your favorite Joomla! sites, templates, extensions, and more.
Let's Get Started!
Dapatkah Anda Membuat Uang Secara Online Tanpa Website, Pengalaman, Atau Uang?
Jika Anda memiliki beberapa waktu untuk berinvestasi, ya Anda dapat membuat uang online tanpa sebuah website, pengalaman, atau uang bahkan ... dan aku tidak hanya berbicara saku changer sini juga. Aku bicara yang substansial pendapatan online! Aku tahu kedengarannya mustahil, tapi ribuan orang seperti Anda melakukannya setiap hari ... dan beberapa cukup membuat pembunuhan. Cukup sehingga mereka dapat akhirnya berhenti mereka sembilan sampai jam lima dan hidup nyaman dan aman dalam pengetahuan bahwa mereka sekarang mengendalikan masa depan keuangan mereka sendiri. Sebenarnya, saya melakukan itu sekarang dan rasanya benar-benar hebat. Aku mulai membuat uang online tanpa sebuah website mewah atau pengalaman sama sekali ... dan saya yakin sebagai heck tidak punya uang untuk diinvestasikan. Tidak peduli walaupun, aku masih menghasilkan uang. Aku beruntung tidak jatuh ke dalam beberapa perangkap di luar sana seperti begitu banyak pemasar baru lainnya lakukan. Aku mulai dengan Afiliasi Pemasaran, dan tahu bahwa ini bukan semacam skema piramida atau omong kosong pemasaran jaringan. Ini hanya berarti Anda menjual produk orang lain untuk potongan penjualan. Anda cukup menulis artikel informatif, menyerahkan mereka ke direktori artikel dan situs lainnya yang membutuhkan konten, dan sebagai imbalan mereka memungkinkan Anda untuk meninggalkan link kembali ke produk yang Anda jual. Jika Anda membuat penjualan, Anda mendapatkan komisi ... itu benar-benar sesederhana itu. Namun, trik adalah untuk menemukan produk yang hebat, belajar bagaimana menulis artikel, dan memikirkan cara terbaik untuk mengarahkan lalu lintas ke halaman penjualan. Anda dapat membuat uang online tanpa sebuah website, pengalaman atau uang keluar dari kantong Anda sendiri. Bahkan, ada seluruh gerakan di Internet yang tidak hanya itu ... mereka menyebutnya Bum Pemasaran Metode karena Anda dapat mengambil seorang gelandangan dari jalanan, bawa dia ke sebuah perpustakaan dengan koneksi internet dan minta dia membuat uang dalam beberapa jam. Ini memastikan anda dapat dilakukan dengan rencana aksi yang solid dan, well, tindakan! Aku tahu bagaimana kau akan rasakan saat ini ... ada orang pergi online mencari cara untuk membuat uang jika mereka sudah punya cukup. Aku persis di mana Anda saat ini, tidak begitu lama. Aku tahu betapa membingungkan dan membuat frustrasi dapat menemukan seseorang yang bisa Anda percaya untuk mengajarkan Anda bagaimana untuk membuat uang secara online. Aku pria meskipun, dan tidak akan dikenakan biaya sepeser pun untuk memeriksa situs saya ... walaupun mungkin kemungkinan yang paling penting Anda lakukan sepanjang hari. Silakan kunjungi dengan saya di untuk melihat apa yang semua orang berbicara tentang! | ||
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